I Love My Dog!

What animals make the best/worst pets? I cannot speak to what makes the worst animals as I love animals, love visiting the zoo, have enjoyed having pets. I think each person has their opinion about what is their preference. Animals that make the best pets: Cats, in my humble opinion are wonderful for people that [...]

Connecting, Volunteering and Kindness

How would you improve your community? I would improve my community by: Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com Volunteering - I volunteer at the elementary school across the street from my house that I retired from. I help in the library, so I get to see the students. I connect with them and try to [...]

Easter 2024

I love the holidays, setting the table, getting everything ready for our family. I take pictures of the tablescapes. We did a brunch; our menu was: crustless ham and broccoli quiche, penne pasta with diced chicken, broccoli, asparagus, red pepper and cherry tomatoes, garlic and parmesan cheese, berries, homemade whipped cream, homemade blueberry cinnamon coffee [...]

I Choose Faith, Hope and Love

What strategies do you use to cope with negative feelings? The strategies I use to cope with negative feelings:1. Love and Positivity - I think positively, I try to see the best in myself and those around me.2. Faith and Love - I do a devotional every morning. This year, I am reading the bible [...]

Persevering…Internal Reflection

How has a failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success? How has failure or apparent failure set you up for success later? Failing is a step toward succeeding. Failing teaches patience, humility, perseverance, and compassion. Failing says "I did not ace this, I did not have all the answers, I had to [...]

Puzzle Complete!

Several months ago I wrote a post about what I was working on...a puzzle: https://iamlifelonglearner.com/2023/10/22/working-on-a-puzzle Today, I finally finished this puzzle! Yes, I know it took months. I took my time, I worked on it leisurely. I am retired, so there is no hurry! I learned it was harder than I anticipated. I realized that [...]

Gut Wretching, Difficult Experiences Helped Me Grow

What experiences in life helped you grow the most? The experiences that helped me grow the most were life changing, attitude changing and always very difficult, gut wrenching and hard. Photo by Veronika Valdova on Pexels.com The passing of our 14-month-old son.Nothing, I mean nothing prepares a parent to bury a small infant/toddler. In our [...]

Forecast Monthly Budget

Write about your approach to budgeting. My approach to budgeting is to forecast as many of our expenditures as possible and being realistic. It does not help me if I am not honest about the true expenditures and then reality sets in 30 days later. I created a ledger system for myself that mimics a [...]

Sometimes I Need a Break from Social Media & Devices…

Do you need a break? From what? I need a break from time to time from social media and my devices. Why? The fakery, the deception, the lying is too much for me sometimes. Putting down the devices is good once in a while. Photo by Tracy Le Blanc on Pexels.com Authenticity, Integrity and Honesty appear [...]

God, Family… Creating Memories!

Describe your most ideal day from beginning to end. My ideal day would start my Duolingo Polish lesson. Next would be coffee on our back porch with my husband conversing. We would pray the Rosary, and my daily bible reading. A walk would be nice to be out in the fresh air, exercise and time to [...]

My Therapy Dog!

If you could make your pet understand one thing, what would it be? That when we have joked for over ten years what a great therapy dog our dog would make… Yard Buddy We meant providing therapy to humans. We truly believe our dog thinks a therapy dog means he gets constant pets, attention and [...]

Authenticity, Inspirational and Strong Leadership Makes a Good Leader

What makes a good leader? Photo by Brett Sayles on Pexels.com 1. Strong and decisive decision maker 2. Motivational speaker 3. Provides hope and guidance 4. Brings out the best in their people 5. Is the beacon of light thru the chaos and confusion…whether the leader is leading a group, an organization or the leader [...]

Un-Invent Some Technology?

If you could un-invent something, what would it be? I would un-invent some technology. I struggle with this prompt because I think there is technology that is good. However, I can see how technology has crippled society; dummied us down. Television and the wonderful invention of all the devices; cell phones, pads, Surface devices, laptops, [...]

What are You Going to Do When You Retire…

1 year ago this week, Wednesday January 11, 2023, I retired after 22 years in education. Prior to a career in education, I worked in insurance and sales and marketing. When I was getting ready to retire, I got asked ALL THE TIME “What are you going to do?" It is interesting that people cannot imagine themselves [...]

Blogging, Flowers, Photography, and Cooking…

How are you creative? I am creative through my blogging. Writing the daily prompts, writing period requires creativity. To have an idea, take that idea &/or daily prompt and write a blog piece, can be exciting, challenging, exhilarating and inspirational, all sometimes at the same time! In addition to the blogging, I have used my [...]

My Husband is my Best Friend!

Describe a man who has positively impacted your life. The man who has positively impacted my life is my husband.Forty years ago, before internet and devices we met through a dating service. There was an immediate chemistry between us. We eloped eleven weeks after we met. I would say we did spend the first year [...]

A New Chapter…

Is your life today what you pictured a year ago? A year ago, I was about to embark on retirement in January 2023. Starting a new chapter can be exciting, challenging and scary at the same time! My husband had recently retired, so that was the first step in our retirement goals; financially how were [...]

Patience, Grace, Open Mind & Open Heart

What skills or lessons have you learned recently? Learned Skills: First, Patience, although I still struggle with this. I am a “work in progress. Second, To Extend Grace…we all have a back story. How someone treats me, is a reflection on them. How I respond, is a reflection on me. I’m all about trying to [...]


Tell us one thing you hope people say about you. She is kind & supportive. With my family, my extended family, friends and random people I encounter at a store, in a restaurant or on a walk, it is my nature to be kind. I send daily inspirational texts to my daughters. I check in [...]